Current Affairs
Thyroid Disease: Hypothyroidism on the Rise in India
In a first of its kind nation-wide study carried out by the Thyroid Epidemiological Study
team led by Dr. A. G Unnikrishnan researchers revealed that one in ten adults in India
suffers from hypothyroidism, with 50 per cent being women.
The study which went on for nine months was carried on 5,360 patients residing in eight different cities in India, aged 18 years or over. Participants were excluded if they were pregnant, or had any acute or chronic systemic illnesses as judged by the study investigator. The study which is also published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed the following:
There are two types of Thyroid diseases – Hypothyroidism and Hypethyroidism,while the later is rarely found, Hypothyroidism was highly prevalent amongst the surveyed population (10.95%). The older population was more prone to this thyroid condition than the younger population.
Women were three times more likely to be affected by hypothyroidism than men (15.86% vs. 5.02%), especially those in the age group (46-54 years).
“The reason for this is still unknown; we will need more nationwide studies to identify why women are more prone to thyroid diseases vis a vis men. One of the reasons can be ignorance”, adds Dr. Mahesh Padsalge, Mumbai Investigator of the Study and Consultant Diabetologist, Diabecare - Specialty Diabetes Centre.
Almost one-third of the hypothyroid patients (3.47%) were not aware of the condition and were diagnosed for the first time during the course of study-related screening.
“Weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, depression, irregular menses and infertility are the early symptoms of Hypothyroidism, but these symptoms are always confused for other serious health conditions. This is the reason why a lot of thyroid patients remain undetected for a long time until their condition worsens and they approach a endocrinologist”, points Dr Dr. A. G Unnikrishnan who also pointed that Hypertension (20.4%) and diabetes mellitus (16.2%) were the other common diseases observed in the study population.
Inland cities (Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad) had higher prevalence of hypothyroidism (11.73%) compared to coastal cities (Chennai, Goa, Mumbai) (9.45%). Kolkata recorded the highest prevalence of hypothyroidism (21.67%). Dr Dr. A. G Unnikrishnan added,“while we cannot come to a consensus with these finding about the vast difference between the iodine level people living close to the coastal area and the inland areas, it was surprising to see the highest number of cases of hypothyroidism from Kolkatta which is again a costal area and fish is consumed her in abundance.”
Approximately one-fifth of the study population had anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies [TPO] positivity, an established autoimmune marker pointing toward a steady risk of thyroid disorders.
The biggest problem with hypothyroidism is that there are no preventive measures to fight it. The only solution to the problem is early screening of the diseases through a simple TSH (Thy5Roid stimulating hormone) test and dose adjustments. “The prevalence of hypothyroidism in the developed world is estimated to be about 4-5%. Of the 1,259 people in Mumbai, 9.61%were diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and approximately one-fourth (25.42%) of the population from Mumbai tested positive for anti-TPO antibodies, hence putting them at a greater risk of developing thyroid disorders in the future”, adds Dr Mahesh.
If left untreated, hypothyroidism can cause elevated cholesterol levels, an increase in blood pressure, an increased rate of cardiovascular complications, decreased fertility, and depression; and in pregnant women, placental abnormalities and increased risks for the baby’s well-being.